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Vertigo Reaction

How to Deal With the “Vertigo” Reaction

At the onset of taking ganoderma, worsening discomfort may take place close to the nidus (refers to tissues which have not completely recovered in the post-wounding area, or organs having a low functional level over a long period of time).

Vertigo reactions are temporary signs with no cause for alarm

These reactions include:

1. Existing symptoms - Slightly aggravated

2. Appetite - Reduced craving for food

3. Sleep - Unable to sleep well

4. Excretion - Constipation or diarrhea

5. Alertness - Frequent bouts of fatigue

6. Others - thirst, increasing appetite or urticarial appearing on the skin.

Generally, a light reaction will take 3-7 days while a severe reaction will take 2-3 weeks to subside. 

Symptoms vary, but in principle they are proportional to the condition of the patient and the severity of the disorder. Liver disease is a good example, symptoms of hepatitis and liver fibrosis are different; the former is lighter than that of the latter. This is an important message to note. Many people connect the side effect of ‘dizziness’ with the taking of western medicine.

“Dizziness” or “vertigo” literally means ‘feeling of lightheadedness and wooziness’, and it can be traced back to one of the statements in a classical text, ‘The Charge to Yue (Yueming)’, the 10th book in the ‘Book of Shang of the Documents of the Elder (Shangshu)’. The first of the three series of The Charge to Yue states, “If one does not get dizzy after taking the medicine, his or her sickness cannot be healed completely.” According to the logic above, in order for ganoderma to rectify the disorder, a discomfort reaction has to take place first.

The reason why such a “reverse reaction” takes place might reside in the immune system. High fever caused by a cold might be an example. When large amounts of viruses accumulate within the body, the immune system mobilizes and the chemical reactions between T cells and B cells, increased oxidative action explosion resulting from phagocytes’ engulfing the viruses and other actions can all contribute to the production of heat energy, thereby increasing the body temperature. Likewise, after taking ganoderma for a period of time, the immune system is subject to activation, followed by modulation. Once it is modulated to a status with higher energy, it can re-recognize the “nidus” and an immune response takes place again to complete the unfinished tasks, such as cleaning pathogens (especially for hidden viruses), removing fibrous tissue and proliferating new tissue cells. This further immune reaction thus triggers other physical changes. In terms of the immune theory, it is a good sign as the long-existing nidus has possibly been cleaned off and the tissues/organs restored through taking ganoderma. Even though this is a deductive immunity theory, it is certain that there have been many ganoderma users who have come through it by faith and re-acquired health.

When this "reverse reaction" occurs, coping strategies vary from individual symptoms and levels of endurance, including: maintaining a fixed dosage; reducing the dose or increasing the dose. Those who can bear the reaction can stay at the same dosage so as to overcome the reaction.

For those who cannot tolerate the discomfort caused by the reaction, they can choose to lower their dosage for a short period of time, and wait until the discomfort is alleviated and then return to the original dosage when the reaction disappears. Self-conscious conditions improve (such as feeling more spiritual, not easily falling asleep, etc.) usually after the period of “reverse reaction”. People who choose to increase their dosage should make their decision based on symptoms. For instance, people with light allergic reactions can consider increasing to a higher dosage so as to reduce the reaction time. Patients with cardiovascular disease, asthma or epilepsy should follow a progressive approach, taking ganoderma at a lower dosage in the beginning, and once their symptoms are alleviated, they can slowly increase their dosage. Such a method can avoid a severe adverse reaction.


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